Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SEO Packages Two

If all new web businesses began their online strategy by contracting Search Engine Optimism SEO Specialists, those entrepreneurs would do much better initially and succeed faster than ANY competitive company starting online while not incorporating SEO techniques.

Our strategy for beginning businesses who have NOT already established an online presence is to consult with your web designers to develop a clear and very specific program to build your web presence building SEO techniques into your site architecture.

This will give your business a strong initial launch by optimizing your site before it goes live online. We work with your web designer to maximize your position in the search engines first, rather than later as an afterthought. The time that you realize you're not getting visitors to your business web site is NOT the best time to optimize.

Recommended For: Websites without a huge amount of competition for the search terms they are targeting.

Number of Keywords / Phrases targeted: 10-15
Guaranteed number of Keywords/ Phrases: 7-8
Keyword/Phrase identification / analysis
Keywords/phrases research and analysis
Meta Tags Composition
Manual Submission to TOP search engines and directories Monthly Search Engine Ranking Reports
Monthly Log Analysis
Resubmissions whenever required based on ranking report
Research on your website's Industry
Submission of your site to Top Search Engines
XML Site Map
Link Resource page
Reciprocal linking to build your link popularity campaign
Links From 2 good directories
Robots Text File (robots.txt)
Internal Linking

$ 300 US/month

For Any Enquiries:,,0919247114435.


Anonymous said...

Good content. Just wanted to add some points here that may be helpful for those looking out for professional SEO services. There are tons of SEO companies offering different SEO packages and solutions at highly competitive rates. However, when looking our for these services, its important to not only look at the affordability factor but also what is unique about their SEO service and what differentiates them from other companies.

While choosing an SEO company its equally important to analyze the SEO company's website in terms of their Rankings, Yahoo links, Google index, Alexa ranking and similar such factors which indicates the company's expertise in the field of SEO. So make sure you are doing enough research and smart work before investing your advertising spend.

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