Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Concept of Google Page Rank & Its Algorithm

Google Page Rank is a unique concept and it is one of the Google's way of finding out the reputation and rank of a webpage. Let’s know a bit more about the term “PageRank”, how “PageRank” is determined, and why “PageRank” is given to a site. The term “PageRank” is a combination of two words, i.e., ‘page’ and ‘rank’. ‘Page’ refers to any web page and ‘rank’ refers to the particular number assigned to a webpage by Google. PageRank determines the popularity and value of a particular webpage. It’s a kind of vote of support by all the other webpages on the web to your webpage. So, the more support you get, the more value they add to your webpage and the higher goes the PageRank of your webpage.

World Wide Web is global information domain which provides the combo-facility of read and write. It has a vast web of links within itself. When a search engine searches for a visitor’s query, it goes through all the links in the web and provides a result list which is popularly known as Search Engine Result Page (SERP.) If the SE goes to more sites through a single 00 page then it considers the page more valuable. Thus it determines the PageRank of the page. Don’t be confused that all things have been done by human beings. Rather, Big G (Google) has a unique combination of advanced hardware and software. It applies a specially designed PageRank algorithm method while determining the PageRank of a webpage. In real sense, Google attributes a link from page of site 1 to page of site 2 as a vote, by page of site 1 for page of site 2. But only more links don’t determine the PageRank, it also looks whether linked pages have some value or not. If a page has some good links then obviously Google will give more PageRank to that particular page.

Hence, a good website must get higher PageRank than a mediocre site. PageRank is not determined only by links that a page receives but also by some other aspects too. We surf web for necessary information, and if our query doesn’t meet with right information in a SERP then obviously we’ll be frustrated. To guard this aspect, Google too has provisions while assigning a PageRank to a page. Here comes the idea of “keyword”. If the visitor’s query has some relevance with the certain Page’s information and the content contains the exact vocabulary that the visitor has asked, then the page gets higher PageRank. This means the content should contain relevant keyword to get higher PageRank. But in the modern era of cut-throat competition, more often than not, many webmasters have been found resorting to spam techniques such as ‘PageRank abuse’ for their survival.

All Search Engines provide search services. Google too does the same. But the difference between Google and other search engines is maintained only due to some unique features. The search engines revolutionized the World Wide Web, especially website marketing. Several new concepts come into the sphere and now it has become a full-fledged marketing strategy that does all kinds of marketing as we normally do in direct marketing. For more information on online marketing visit Website Marketing.

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